Tuesday, 14.09.2004

It was back to work from last week, so only evenings and weekends can be spent at the house again now.

A few things going on at the moment. The gib-stopping/jointing is pretty much finished and all the interior (except for the brick walls) are undercoated. Next thing for us to do is probably stipple coat the ceiling. I gave the entrance a try today, but with the lighting it is a bit hard to tell if it worked okay. Have to check again tomorrow when the sun is still shining.

The guys doing the flooring and tile work have been there off and on for the last two weeks and they have done quite a lot already. The brick walls around the bathrooms/sauna have been leveled and a rough plaster done and in a couple of places the final white plastering has already been started. Today it looks as if they have started sealing the brick walls in the areas likely to get wet as well. They have done some of the floor as well. Those areas that will be tiled (entrance, kitchen, fireplace room) have had the concrete floor rubbed and leveled and then sealed. And during the last week the 30x30cm tiles have been put down and grouted as well. They look very good so far, probably even better than they appeared in the shop. The laundry will have the same tile, but we changed it to a 10x10cm version since it follows the drainage curve in the floor better. All the floor tiles for the bathrooms/sauna have been delivered along with the wall tiles for the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry. Also, after discussing it with the flooring guys, we decided to change back to our original choice for the wooden flooring. Since we probably don’t move until October the long wait for this brand shouldn’t matter at all and they are slightly cheaper.

The well is in use now for water, although it isn’t running all the time. The heat-exchange unit is also running and pumping air through the house. It isn’t generating much in the way of heat at the moment though since too much floor heating would cause the floor tiles to dry to fast and pop off. It’s a bit noisier than I thought, especially since the ventilation intake was installed right next to the back porch. Hopefully a different shaped intake cover can reduce the noise slightly. Inside the house there isn’t much noise, just a little from the air vents, but they aren’t covered at all yet.

Pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Starting to level the walls.

Rough plaster to fill the holes.

The floor laid in the kitchen, and the fireplace room, the wall tiles (“snow” style, matt white), fireplace room floor grouted, the bathroom/sauna floor tiles.

Kitchen floor laid.   Fireplace room floor laid.   Lots and lots of wall tiles. "Snow"   Fireplace room floor grouted.   Bathroom/sauna floor tile.

Electronic valves for the floor heating thermostats.

Electric valves for the floor heating thermostats.

Panorama, plaster and floor down, living room wall and kitchen.