Sunday, 09.08.2009

The last week and a half of our summer holidays have been spend putting up a fence around the yard. The main purpose is to keep Lilli in, but it will also keep the rabbits, deer, and mooses out of the yard.

After a bit of investigation it seemed that the cheapest and easiest solution was a plastic coated welded wire fence with tanalised wood posts. So after some planning and measuring we made a trip to a couple of hardware shops and bought some wood for the posts and several 25m x 1m rolls of mesh. Good thing we have a big car!

A pile of wood

The most of the time up till now has been spend putting in the fence posts. Each post is just over 1m tall with 50cm in the ground. So that required a lot of post holes. At first I tried to find a post-hole digger which seemed to be quite common everywhere except for here. After a fruitless search for one of those, or anything else, I eventually found a maakaira, which is basically a manual ground auger.

Tool of torture   Torture is over.   Full on torture

It looks quite a bit easier than it actually was. Back-breaking comes to mind. The best that I managed was 10 holes in one day. Athough other days we managed up to seven, but that included putting in the posts as well. The ground around the yard varies quite a lot too. Nearer the house it is hard compacted clay full of stones. The stones jam the auger and need picked out by hand. Further down the yard it is basically soft muddy dirt full of tree roots. Those need cut by hand as well. So, generally it is slow work, and we have had the best weather so far this summer with clear skies and around 25 deg every day. Cold beer helps a lot! Oh, and did I mention the endless stream of mosquitoes and horse flies?

Many holes to go   The first post!   The 9th post!   Posts in a row.   Many posts, not in a row.

Putting in the posts wasn’t so bad, just a lot of packing in the dirt back around them. A few of them are concreted in, expecially where the gates will go.

Now that the last of the posts are in (around 50 of them), it is time to put up the wire mesh. Unfortunately we have run out of summer holiday time now. So the rest will have to be done after work or at the weekend. But in a couple of hours we managed to put in the longest run of mesh. So hopefully the rest doesn’t take too long. Being a green mesh the fence itself is almost invisible as well, which is nice for summer at least.

A fence!   A nearly invisible fence

We also bought some hinges for the gates yesterday. They are all basic lift-off farm gate style hinges, but I just noticed that one of them is missing the hinge mounting for the gate post. So we have to go all the way back to the shop again tomorrow… Hopefully it is still there, they were exactly the hinge type I was looking for.