
Have been planning for along time to put up a gallery of some of the photos I have taken since getting my digital camera. Unfortunately (or maybe not depending on your viewpoint) the space issue keeps me from putting up more than just a small selection. Many I took mainly just to have a nice backdrop on the PC, but there are also a few others, landscapes, sunsets, or whatever else looked nice.

This first version of the gallery I put together in Picasa, a free photo organiser and editor now owned by Google. A very nice tool although a little limited sometimes. Very well done user interface and some very cool effects. The photo touch up tools rate a mention, especially the “I feel lucky” button. Sometimes it makes a mess, sometimes it works minor miracles! Anyway, one of the tools is to produce a web gallery, which it does a very nice basic one.

Sometime (one day) I hope to redo it with a proper gallery tool using my own template. I have a few candidates in mind, but this will do until I get around to it.

So, enjoy!
