Sunday, 17.10.2004

Hard to keep track of everything at the moment. So much being done and still to do.

But a quick run down. The kitchen joinery is mostly installed. There is one unit to install, the cuboards above the bar between the kitchen and living room. Everything else is in place, although the oven, range top and sinks need to be connected up still. The laundry installation was finished on Saturday. All the joinery is in place. Just one shelf remaining. The washing machine and drying cupboard can be installed soon along with the plumb work.

The tile work is done in both bathrooms and the toliets are installed along with the shower units. They all seem to be working as well. The basin unit is installed in the sauna bathroom, but needs the plumbing done. The other bathroom basin is yet to be installed. Both bathrooms need to have the ceiling done as well. A door is fitted as well along with another door frame. The sauna door is installed too.

The wooden flooring is about half installed (the living room is done and half the hallway). Most of our own work is done now as well. Friday managed to finish wall papering the exercise room. Saturday painted the ceiling in the main bedroom along with the back of the cupboard. Sunday finished all the wallpapering in the house (bedroom and hallway). So now that just leaves cleaning everything.

Another couple of “grrrr” moment as well. After unwrapping the interior doors that have been sitting around for months (that were delivered before we had a house to put them in) we discovered that the laminating is lifting all around the edges. Plus, of course, none of the joinery lines up with the plumbing connections either.

Some pictures from the last couple of days.

The wooden flooring, our small bathroom, the sauna bathroom, the kitchen, laundry, and laundry, and the kitchen again (installing the bench top).

White oiled oak wood flooring.   Our first toilet :-)   Our second toilet :-)   Can fit a lot of beer in that fridge!   Space for the washing machine and drying cupboard   Laundry, looking towards the back door.   Kitchen bar, bench top being installed