Another weekend and some more trees cut down. We ordered a portable room for the contractors and to keep stuff in during the week. The rental place thought they wouldn’t have one available for another week at least, so we thought we could clear some space for it during this weekend. Turns out they found a slightly larger one and delivered it on Friday. And since there wasn’t anywhere to put it, they dropped it in the middle of the driveway :-(. Hopefully using the digger they can push it somewhere a bit more practical. Close to the power box would be best, but I’m not sure if they can push it there. So today we cleared some space to the right of the house and tomorrow we will move the tree pile away from the power box just in case.
Also, the base fill for the foundations has been put in place. So hopefully the foundations will be started on Monday as planned. A few more guests as well. There were rabbit tracks everywhere today and we had a quick visit from a woodpecker while we were working. Luckily it didn’t show any interest in the house wood!
Panorama from the same position as before. As you can see we have a few bits and pieces for the house. Mainly roofing parts so far.