We finally have the initial house plans now. Just after the last entry we met with the house company and arranged the plans. They were supposed to take only a couple of weeks, but have been almost four. So now we should approve/make changes to the plans and send them back. After that they make the full house plans that we can then use for the heating/ventilation and electricity planning, etc.
Last weekend Pia’s parents came down and brought a load of wooden pallets for us to put on the section. They will eventually be used to store the house components when they are ready (probably in November). We also went out to the land with them and cleared some of the smaller scrub and trees. Pia’s father brought a chainsaw and brush-cutter with him as well. As it turns out the council still haven’t marked the section. We saw some surveyors out in that area about three weeks ago and they were marking other sections out, so we thought they would have done ours by now as well, but no such luck. So we had to go a bit easy knocking the trees down just in case we managed to get a few that didn’t actually belong to us :-). We are thinking of going out there this weekend and cleaning up some of the wood we cut down and stacking it somewhere. Have to figure out where to put it yet though. Also discovered last weekend that the mosquitoes out there are the size of horses and I have the bites to prove it. There is supposed to be a bumper crop of them this year, so hopefully it isn’t always that bad.
Got a scanner now as well, so makes it a bit easier to put the house things online. Here are the initial plans we have at the moment. I translated some bits to English, so hopefully it is all understandable.